Thursday, 24 April 2014

Single Camera Production notes

What it is and Why? 

A single camera production uses one camera on location thats aposed to a studio, uses only one camera to product the entire show. Another reason that you might use single camera production is because of the expenses, it can cost a lot of money to use different types of camera. Single Camera productions are used in Dramas/Comedies/Horror because of performance, actors can build up towards their acting scenes and it works better by putting pressure on the actor. 

They won't have the camera on them all the time. Location is also important because if your shooting in various places you may only be able to get a few cameras set up in the locations you want to choose, but if you only use one you will only get the footage you want in your shots. You need to be able to reshoot things again and again and make sure you get the perfect shots, you should get the camera in the actors face to get the emotion that they are showing. Their is less crew on a single camera production which is affordable it also gives a smaller crew more options. 


  • Serial: 3 parts to the story (Drama)

  • Series: A TV show 

  • One Off (film)

  • Genre 

Narrative Structure 

  • Most stories follow a liner narrative - Tells a story 

  • Sequential/Linear - Starts from the beginning to the end in order

  • Non-Linear - Pulp Fiction - the story doesn't start at the beginning till the end   

  • Flashback - Reveals exposition/backstory 

  • Realist narrative - Set in a real world (This Is England, 12 Years A Slave) 

  • Anti-Real - Isn't set in the real world, it's fictional 

  • Ending - Open/Closed - Ends on a Cliff Hanger is an open ending

  • Closed ending is when it gives you a Resolution 

Technical Storytelling

Create meaning via technical codes
Camera Shots
Camera Movement
Enigma = Mystery 

Narrative Structure 
3 Act Structure 

Act 1 

Introduce the characters 
Inciting Incident - Sets the character off on their need/task

Act 2

Put obstacles in the characters way to make the film interesting - obstacles increase in treat 

First Solution - solution then fails

Characters are at their lowest ebb - mid point 

Act 3

Final Solution 

Climax - Overcome biggest obstacle 

