Wednesday 20 November 2013

Research diary

secondary qualitative data 

2 books

2 websites

2 magazines/newspapers or journals - information that I will collect will be on my topic - my target audience, something to help you prove who your audience is. 

Books on how to make a documentary, how to get organised and what kit you might need.

How to set out your diary 

Books - get a quote from a book (write the page no and authors name underneath it) and then summarise what the quote means in your own words, this shows that you understand what you just read. 

How useful was this research? Is it relevant, biased? easy to understand? will it inform your documentary? 

Find a section from a book that is useful to you and summarise it into 3 or 4 bullet points. This is presenting research in a different way 

The websites that you use has to be academic/relevant 

Find a section from a website that is useful to me and summarise it from 3 or 4 bullet points. 

Was it relevant was it biased was it easy to understand and how useful it was 

Find a quote from the website, need a link, title of the page, the author of the site, what does this quote mean in my own words? and how useful was this website 


find a quote from a magazine article or a journal, author of the article, the title of the magazine/paper/journal and the date it was published. 

get a quote and say what it means in your own words and how useful was this research

Read a section of the article and summarise it into 3 or 4 bullet points, pulling out key information and how useful was this research? 

Ask my target audience if they watch documentaries - send a questionnaire out 

Do you watch documentaries 

No - why don't you?

Yes - what do you watch? 

How old are you? 

What are you interested in? 

What do you know about bullying?

What do you think about bullying? 

What do you think the main reasons people get outcasted and bullied? 

What would you like to see in a documentary? 

Do you know how bullying can effect a person?

Would you watch a documentary on bullying

Treatment - 

What is in it and how to set it out

Who is the target audience for my documentary? 

Age, gender, interests

Analyse other documentaries that are similar to yours, for the things they use to hook their audience, what do they do to draw an audience into the documentary - pull out details from the documentary and how they hook the audience for example, what camera they use, graphics, music, interviews etc.

How are you going to target your audience 

How will yours be better than other documentaries for young people? 

Plot/outline - this is where you explain the layout/format (participatory/observational) of your documentary - are you going to be in the documentary or is it just going to be all voice over? 

What my audience is going to learn? 

Ayalyse other docmentaries for the things they use to hook their audience, primary research - send interciews questionnaires

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