Tuesday 4 February 2014

Documentary Peer Reviews

Christmas Markets documentary

Unit 3 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2, There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes
M2  There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes that are useful and have come from well chosen places/people
D2: There is a lot of information given from interviews, statistics and quotes and is it all interesting and from relevant people, and not from just obvious places like Wikipedia.
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the sort of information in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2 There Is a lot of the information on the topic but some of it irrelevant and awkwardly put in
M2 All the research and information is  focused on the topic and clearly teaches the audience about the topic
D2 The documentary draws conclusions (summaries) about the topic and the impact it is having on people/places etc
Pick one of the two options below that best describes the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it eitherP3/M3 or D3
P3/M3: The documentary is understandable but at times a bit confusing, or wanders off the topic.
D3: The documentary is  understandable and well structured, I feel as though I have learnt something
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the visual aids and or graphics used in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: There are visual aids and graphics but they are not clear/well presented and are not really showing information/research about the topic
M3: They have shown information statistics or information about the topic in visual aids and graphics that are clear and understandable.
D3: They have shown relevant information/research clearly through Visual aids or graphics in an eye catching way
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the references to research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: The research sources are named/referenced in text and credits, but does it lack a sense of structure or miss things out like names/years etc
M3: Most of the research they have shown is credited in subtitles and credits and they look professional and well formatted
D3: They have references to all research typed in a proper format within the documentary and in a professional way in the credits.
Unit 38 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P4, M4 or D4
P4: The sound is clear, I am able to hear the interviews and non diegetic sound
M4: The sound is good, I am able to clearly hear dialogue and non diegetic sound (there might be one or two mistakes but it won’t affect your ability to watch it)
D4: The sound is creative.  It is  clear with little or no mistakes and it adds to the documentary, making it more engaging or powerful.

Food Glorious Food

Unit 3 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2, There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes
M2  There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes that are useful and have come from well chosen places/people
D2: There is a lot of information given from interviews, statistics and quotes and is it all interesting and from relevant people, and not from just obvious places like Wikipedia.
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the sort of information in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2 There Is a lot of the information on the topic but some of it irrelevant and awkwardly put in
M2 All the research and information is  focused on the topic and clearly teaches the audience about the topic
D2 The documentary draws conclusions (summaries) about the topic and the impact it is having on people/places etc
Pick one of the two options below that best describes the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it eitherP3/M3 or D3
P3/M3: The documentary is understandable but at times a bit confusing, or wanders off the topic.
D3: The documentary is  understandable and well structured, I feel as though I have learnt something
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the visual aids and or graphics used in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: There are visual aids and graphics but they are not clear/well presented and are not really showing information/research about the topic
M3: They have shown information statistics or information about the topic in visual aids and graphics that are clear and understandable.
D3: They have shown relevant information/research clearly through Visual aids or graphics in an eye catching way
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the references to research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: The research sources are named/referenced in text and credits, but does it lack a sense of structure or miss things out like names/years etc
M3: Most of the research they have shown is credited in subtitles and credits and they look professional and well formatted
D3: They have references to all research typed in a proper format within the documentary and in a professional way in the credits.
Unit 38 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P4, M4 or D4
P4: The sound is clear, I am able to hear the interviews and non diegetic sound
M4: The sound is good, I am able to clearly hear dialogue and non diegetic sound (there might be one or two mistakes but it won’t affect your ability to watch it)
D4: The sound is creative.  It is  clear with little or no mistakes and it adds to the documentary, making it more engaging or powerful.

The inside story Bullying

Unit 3 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2, There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes
M2  There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes that are useful and have come from well chosen places/people
D2: There is a lot of information given from interviews, statistics and quotes and is it all interesting and from relevant people, and not from just obvious places like Wikipedia.
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the sort of information in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2 There Is a lot of the information on the topic but some of it irrelevant and awkwardly put in
M2 All the research and information is  focused on the topic and clearly teaches the audience about the topic
D2 The documentary draws conclusions (summaries) about the topic and the impact it is having on people/places etc
Pick one of the two options below that best describes the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it eitherP3/M3 or D3
P3/M3: The documentary is understandable but at times a bit confusing, or wanders off the topic.
D3: The documentary is  understandable and well structured, I feel as though I have learnt something
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the visual aids and or graphics used in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: There are visual aids and graphics but they are not clear/well presented and are not really showing information/research about the topic
M3: They have shown information statistics or information about the topic in visual aids and graphics that are clear and understandable.
D3: They have shown relevant information/research clearly through Visual aids or graphics in an eye catching way
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the references to research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: The research sources are named/referenced in text and credits, but does it lack a sense of structure or miss things out like names/years etc
M3: Most of the research they have shown is credited in subtitles and credits and they look professional and well formatted
D3: They have references to all research typed in a proper format within the documentary and in a professional way in the credits.
Unit 38 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P4, M4 or D4
P4: The sound is clear, I am able to hear the interviews and non diegetic sound
M4: The sound is good, I am able to clearly hear dialogue and non diegetic sound (there might be one or two mistakes but it won’t affect your ability to watch it)
D4: The sound is creative.  It is  clear with little or no mistakes and it adds to the documentary, making it more engaging or powerful.

Beat the Bullies documentary 

Unit 3 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2, There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes
M2  There is primary and secondary research such as interviews and statistics or quotes that are useful and have come from well chosen places/people
D2: There is a lot of information given from interviews, statistics and quotes and is it all interesting and from relevant people, and not from just obvious places like Wikipedia.
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the sort of information in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P2, M2 or D2
P2 There Is a lot of the information on the topic but some of it irrelevant and awkwardly put in
M2 All the research and information is  focused on the topic and clearly teaches the audience about the topic
D2 The documentary draws conclusions (summaries) about the topic and the impact it is having on people/places etc
Pick one of the two options below that best describes the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it eitherP3/M3 or D3
P3/M3: The documentary is understandable but at times a bit confusing, or wanders off the topic.
D3: The documentary is  understandable and well structured, I feel as though I have learnt something
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the visual aids and or graphics used in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: There are visual aids and graphics but they are not clear/well presented and are not really showing information/research about the topic
M3: They have shown information statistics or information about the topic in visual aids and graphics that are clear and understandable.
D3: They have shown relevant information/research clearly through Visual aids or graphics in an eye catching way
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the references to research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P3, M3 or D3
P3: The research sources are named/referenced in text and credits, but does it lack a sense of structure or miss things out like names/years etc
M3: Most of the research they have shown is credited in subtitles and credits and they look professional and well formatted
D3: They have references to all research typed in a proper format within the documentary and in a professional way in the credits.
Unit 38 Mark Scheme
Pick one of the three options below that best describes the research in the documentary. Explain in the box why you have given it either P4, M4 or D4
P4: The sound is clear, I am able to hear the interviews and non diegetic sound
M4: The sound is good, I am able to clearly hear dialogue and non diegetic sound (there might be one or two mistakes but it won’t affect your ability to watch it)
D4: The sound is creative.  It is  clear with little or no mistakes and it adds to the documentary, making it more engaging or powerful.

Research Diary


There are no books in the college library or the library I looked in, in Droylsden that are about the Christmas Markets in Manchester City Centre. I think this is because it is a fairly new things. So because of this I looked for books on multiculturalism and making a documentary. This will widen my knowledge on what multiculturalism is and what kinds of things actually go into making a documentary.

"A poll conducted by MORI for the BBC in August 2005 found that 62% of their sample believed multiculturalism made Britain 'a better place to live' and only 2% were prepared to admit they were 'very racially prejudiced'" 
Page 13, Understanding Cultural Diversity  - Peter Baldock

This quote means that 62% of the people in Britain think that by having many different ethnic backgrounds and cultures have made the UK a better place to live, and that 2% are still racially prejudice however this number is decreasing. I think this is a relevant piece of information because it is a clear statistic. It isn't bias because it gives both the good point and the bad point which shows it is balanced out. It is easy to understand because it is simple. This will help me when I come to make my documentary because it is a statistic that is reliable.


A lot of the sites about the Christmas Markets 


Attracting shoppers from all over the UK and beyond, the market has put Manchester city centre firmly on the Christmas map – the Christmas Market has become not just a fabulous place to shop but also a hugely popular leisure destination in its own right. No Mancunian winter is complete without a wander through the chalet-lined streets of the markets.
This year the market will be celebrating its 15th year and will take over nine different spaces around the city, each with its own distinct character and atmosphere: Albert Square | Brazennose Street | King Street | St Ann's Square | Exchange Street | New Cathedral Street | Exchange Square | The Corn Exchange | Corporation Street*
*New for 2013
The array of over 300 stalls is mind-boggling, with mouthwatering delicacies from all over Europe. The choice is getting bigger and bigger and includes gifts, crafts, jewellery, clothes, toys and an array of food and drink. Treat yourself to anything from Dutch mini pancakes, to Hungarian goulash to Spanish paella to French profiteroles. Relax with a hot chocolate, German or Spanish beer, or French wine. Soak up the atmosphere of a truly international event with a uniquely Mancunian flavour.
European and local producers offer everything from fine amber jewellery, hand crafted leather bags, and top quality bonsai trees, to Dutch cheeses, French breads, and Spanish chorizo. Perfect for alternative gift ideas.
And with all glasses and mugs returnable as part of an environmentally friendly deposit scheme, your Christmas markets are greener than ever.

- Gives you basic information about the Christmas market.
- Makes them seem special 'no Mancunian winder is complete without a wander through the chalet-lined streets of the markets'
- Tells you where it is.
- You get a brief idea of what is going to be there when you arrive.
- Tells you some of the cultures that take part in the market that make it multicultural.

I think this is useful because it gives a clear outline of the different cultural backgrounds that set up at the Christmas Market and bring their different cultural cuisine. The first line "Attracting shoppers from all over the UK and beyond" this shows that people from other parts of the world are coming to Manchester to visit the markets. This gives the impression that the market are beneficial to the economy of Manchester because by bringing people to the markets they're going to visit other parts of Manchester as well. The different cultures at the market are going to bring people of the same/similar culture. The Christmas market show that Manchester is a multicultural city because it has people from all different cultures. This is relevant to my research because it outlines the different cultures that take part in the markets. This is most likely defiantly bias because it is a website that is all about them so it is going to be bias to make them seem amazing, even if it wasn't. It is very simple and easy to make sense of. I think some parts of it will help me when i come to make my documentary.

"Living in a multicultural city means I see people from all backgrounds, cultures and religions" - Nageena Khan

This quote means that by living in a city that is heavily multicultural you get to see people from all different backgrounds, cultures and religions and learn about them and their traditions. I think this quote is relevant to my research because it shows what you can learn from living in a multicultural city. This is really easy to understand because it literally means what it says it's simple and the massage it it saying is clear. I think this will help me when I come to make my documentary and I could even say something similar to it in my own work.


"Can you speak Eleme, Nahuatl or Uyghur? Then you'll find someone to chat to in Manchester, where 200 languages are spoken by its population of just 480,000" - Harry Mount, 
August 15th 2013, 
Daily Mail, 

This means that for a city with the population lower than 500,000 there is on there are around 200 languages spoken. This is a lot of different languages for just one city. This is relevant because it proves that Manchester is a multicultural city because of the the amount of different languages that are spoken, it shows there is going to be people form all over the world. This isn't a bias article it is very factual based. It is easy to understand because it is just saying how many different languages are spoken in Manchester. This will help me when i come to make my documentary because it is a good fact to put in it that will give my audience an insight to how multicultural Manchester is.


Primary Research

For primary research I made a questionnaire and posted it on a few social networking sites (Tumblr/Twitter) and asked a few other people if could fill it in.

The questions asked were;
1) How old are you? (this question was categorised into "under 13, 13-16, 17-19, over 19)
2) Are you male or female?
3) Do you watch documentaries?
4) Do you know what multiculturalism means?
5) Do you go into Manchester City Centre often?
6) Have you visited the Christmas Markets?
7) Do you think the Christmas Markets in Manchester City Centre influence multiculturalism?
8) Do you think Manchester is a city built up of many different cultures?
9) Do "China Town" and "The Curry Mile" have an impact on multiculturalism in Manchester?

In total 53 people took the questionnaire and the answers I got were...
1) under 13 = 0, 13-16 = 18 , 17-19 = 28 ,over 19 = 7
2) male = 22 , female = 31
3) yes = 16, no = 37
4) yes = 28, no = 25
5) yes = 35, no = 18
6) yes = 32, no = 21
7) yes = 46, no = 7
8) yes = 49, no = 4
9) yes = 38, no = 15

From this research we can see that a minority of the people who took the questionnaire do actually watch documentaries which shows that the target audience are actually interested in watching documentaries. This is good because it proves that they might actually watch it. When you look at question 4 you can see that a lot of the people who took the questionnaire thought they knew what multiculturalism means, if they were to watch the documentary I make they might find out that they actually didn't and learn something new. I think this primary research has given me a good insight to my target audience and what they know about multiculturalism and how they feel about it.

Documentary Analysis

I watched Making Bradford British as an example of a documentary that is based around multiculturalism in a city. It was originally a 2 part documentary that was on Channel 4. 

The main feature of this documentary that hooks the audience is the use of a voice over through the whole documentary. Using a voice over hooks the attention of the audience this is because it gives background information on the topic this is usually things like facts and little bits of information that further the documentary. 

The use of close ups in a interview kind of setting is another way that this documentary attracts the attention of the audience. By doing this it gives the audience lots of different views of different people. It can also move the documentary along.

Another feature that this documentary uses is a montage of different sites of the city that show the contrast of the different areas. This is good because it shows the extremism of multiculturalism in a city, it also shows how different parts of the city are separated. This juxtaposition is a clear example of how many different cultures are living in just one city.

The main camera shots used are wide shots, shot reverse shot, close ups and over the shoulder shots. The use of facts and figures is one of the main things that attracts the audiences attention. This documentary is quite boring and defiantly not for a younger audience. It doesn't use anything special like graphics to attract the audience's attention.


The target audience of my documentary is going to be both male and female people that are aged between 16 and 19. I chose this age group because I think it is quite ignorant age group but with the right kind of footage/information they could actually learn something from my documentary. I'm going to target my audience by using a montage of different recognisable sites in Manchester because I think by using things they will recognise may attract them. I will also try and get some interviews with people that are around the same age because by using people of a similar age it might make them listen/watch and understand more. I will try to use understandable facts through out the documentary that the audience might find interesting and remember. Another feature I am going to use is short soundtracks that will stick in the audience’s head.

My documentary is going to be better than other documentaries made for a younger audience because it isn't going to be boring. It is going to be made by young people for young people and have young people in it, the use of all this is going to make younger people enjoy it because young people know what kinds of things will attract other younger people. Another reason it is going to be better is because it is going to include simplified information and interesting facts that will keep the attention of the audience. Also it is going to be interesting rather than have a lot of unnecessary information that is long winded and that will bore the audience.

My documentary is going to be in the observational format. This documentary will open with an unfocused shot of the Christmas Markets at night with a non-diegetic soundtrack of a Christmas song, the song I will use is Jingle Bell Rock by Bobby Helms. This shot will slowly go into focus. Once in focus the shot of the markets will fade into a title screen that will say the name of the documentary “Do the Christmas Markets in Manchester City Centre have an impact on multiculturalism”. As the title screen fades into a close up shot of somebody answering a number of questions like "What does multiculturalism mean?" this will cut to a few different people (probably about 4/5). This will show how many people actually know about multiculturalism.

This will then fade into a montage of multicultural areas in Manchester like China TownCurry Mile and the Christmas Markets. With this there will also be a voice over that says different facts like….'for a city of 480,000 people there are over 200 different languages spoken in Manchester alone'. This will show the audience how much of Manchester is built up as a multicultural city.

This will then cut to a number of shots of the different stall types, this will show the different cultures that participate in the markets. I am going to try and get interviews with some of the stall owners and ask them questions about why they have returned to the markets if they have previously been and do they think they have an impact on the multicultural society in Manchester.

From my documentary my target audience are going to learn 3 things.
1) What multiculturalism is.
2) How the Christmas Markets influence multiculturalism in Manchester.

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