Thursday 1 May 2014

Unit 22/24 Assignment 2

These pictures are the inspirations for my main female lead role character Rebecca Frances. Snow White inspires the basic figures of her looks she has dark hair, pale skin and red lips and wears pretty 40’s dresses. Audrey Hepburn is an inspiration for this character because her of confused lonely character in Breakfast at Tiffany’s who just wants to escape her old life of a farm girl and live a glamorous life in New York City and my character want’s to escape her life as well, she wants to become rich and lead a different lifestyle than the depressing life she lives during the war. Agent Carter is there because she is a strong female character during the war times. Alice in Wonderland because she has crazy ideas and ends up in Wonderland and faces lots of obstacles, which is similar to my script and also she meets some strange characters along the way as well and its very dreamlike. Marilyn Monroe is a huge inspiration because she was a poor child who lived in foster homes and then became rich and famous and very glamorous although she was a very depressed/self destructive person despite her fame and lifestyle. Which inspires an message in my script that no matter how rich you may be, doesn't mean you'll be happy. Bonnie and Clyde inspired me because they are a couple who has this romance between them and they were outlaws and robbers who didn't care about what they did to be able to get money, which helped me to write Rebecca and George's relationship in my script. 

The costumes for my script are inspired by the 1940's, it was a very glamorous time and the girls always looked pretty in dresses and the men wore suits. Plus my script is based in the 40's during the war so the audience will be able to feel that through the fashion choices. Fashion is always coming back and there is a lot of clothes in shops today that have 40's eliminates so it will not be hard to replicate this costume choice.  

1. In the first sequence the cinematography is going to be a dark grey colour to represent the depressing times during the world. It also reflects the situation the main character Rebecca is in and how she feels about her life, it will show the wreckage of her family home.

2. The second sequence shows the colour change as Rebecca gets evaluated to her grandparent's cottage, it’s bright and organic colours represent the calmness compared to the first scenes. Her grandparents are very loving and kind and you can tell by the colours that this is a happy scene for the main character. 
3. The third sequence will be shot in a church, during the 40's religion and going to church was a huge thing, families would often get dressed up for the church on Sunday. So all the characters are dressed smart in their costumes and the church is going to be a rich yellow colour. (During this scene Rebecca meets George) 

4. Fourth sequence is shot in the woods, again there are bright lights and there are green,  yellow and orange colours throughout. Rebecca confesses her dreams to George of becoming rich and glamorous and how she's always wanted to become a singer like in the movies and how lost she feels about loosing her family because of the war. George confesses he's not the saint he portrays (There is a huge colour change and the bright colours fade, it turns grey again like the first sequence)

Whenever the office is shown it's dark orange colours with a hint of grey, this represents the darkness of what George is doing in his office. The house George lives at is always shown in black and white. The theatre is shown in very bright colours, reds and golds. 

 Storyline and shots - 

ACT 1 - Rebecca Frances lives in a small town during World War 2 1940's, the cinematography in this scene is very dark and grey. She lives in a typical house with her mother Rose. 
We see a shot of Rebecca sat in front of her mirror just looking at herself and in the background we hear her mother crying about the death of her husband James who recently died fighting in the war as a solider (we never actually see her father or mother) the shot starts to shake and suddenly goes black and we hear the sound effect of a bomb dropping. 

The shot then cuts towards a wreckage of a house, Rebecca is standing outside the house, rubble is surrounded around her and she is covered in black dust, we see a shot of a woman's hand underneath the rubble. This indicates to the audience that her mother has died. We then see a shot of a tear rolling down Rebecca's cheek. 

Rebecca then gets evacuated to her grandparents house in the countryside. The cinematography in this scene is very bright and yellow, green and orange and it's shot outside the house surrounded by nature and it's a contrast compared to the scene of her old family home. Frank and Jane are very loving passionate grandparent's and you can sense the happiness in their scenes together how they really love each other and that they are kind to anyone. They take Rebecca to church which is also a very bright scene, she's meets an attractive mysterious male character named George Brent he is dressed very smartly and her grandparents notice that Rebecca can't stop looking and at him and they inform her that he has also lost his parents recently swell and they would get along well because they have this in common. They introduce themselves to each other and they decide to take a walk together after Church. 

The shot then cuts to them walking in the woods with trees surrounding them, the colours are very bright and bold, there are greens, oranges and organic colours. Rebecca begins to talk about how her family had died and how her dream is to escape this place and become a singer and a glamorous rich star. George Brent tells her about how he lost his mother when he was only a small child and he doesn't really have any memories of her and how his dad owned his own auto mechanic business and died of a heart attack, he mentions that he lives alone in his dads old home and how lonely it can get, he shows that he is vulnerable and Rebecca is attracted to that. He agrees with Rebecca that he wants to escape reality aswell and slips up on how he's got a large sum of money saved. Rebecca questions why he has so much money and James tells her that his dad gave it to him in his will. She doesn't question him but in the back of her mind she wonders if he is telling the full truth.

ACT 2 - Rebecca goes to George's house (during this shot his house is filmed in grey and black, this shows that it's a very dark and maybe dangerous place) they go and sit in his dad's old office, he puts a vinyl on the record player and plays some 40's music. Rebecca begins to sing along to the music and George realises how amazing she is at singing and tells her how she could actually make it big, but then tells her before you make money, you need money. He goes up behind her and holds her waist and tells her that she is beautiful. She is a extremely naive character and so she truly believes he loves her and because she is so lonely and they have things in common she falls head over heels in love with George. They dance to a 40's song and he kisses her forehead and looks into her eyes and admits he has something to tell her. She states that he can tell her anything, that he can trust her with his secret. He breaks down crying and says that he killed his father to inherit his money because he wants to escape from this town/life. And that him and her can go and pursue their dreams and live far away and Rebecca can become a singer and live a glamourous lifestyle. She would do anything to make her dreams reality no matter what it takes, she learns more about George's crimes and he has killed more than one person to get money. Rebecca tells him how her grandparents have a lot money saved up and George gives Rebecca a speech which makes her believe he is right and that murdering them would be good, that they would both die together, that they're old anyway, that they've lived their lives together in happiness and they won't have to suffer and in return he would make her a superstar and invest all his time and money into making her dreams come true. 

Overnight George plots to kill Frank and Jane, thinking about the money just from selling their house made him extremely psychopathic. He decides to poison them by putting it in their cups of tea and writes a suicide note next to their bodies. Stating how the war is too much for them to handle and how they've lived their happy days and they want peace together and how they'd believe they'd go to heaven. He smirks about it and has a bigger plan than Rebecca knows about. George goes round to the grandparents house and offers to make them a drink, they find this a nice suggestion and tell Rebecca that she should marry a man like that. She just smiles and he hands them over the drink, they take a sip and begin to cough and slowly their eyes shut and they die. George places the suicide note next to them, he is wearing gloves so he doesn't give anything away. The cinematography is very dark grey in this scene. 

ACT 3 - We then hear police sirens pull up outside the house, Rebecca and George run out the backdoor and climb over the fence to escape the police. A private detective had found out about George killing his dad and how his death was planned through evidence he found and notes in George's house and now they had found and now they know that he killed Frank and Jane. George and Rebecca flee in their car and manage to escape the police, they get to a new city and change their names and image. Rebecca dyes her hair blonde and George dyes his hair grey in a hotel room underneath false identities. He then tells her that they still have enough money to make her a star and how she looks better with bleach blonde hair. 

The shot then cuts to lots of people arriving in a large theatre show, as two women arrive and sit down one whispers "her manager is a very nice man, he must have a good life with the amount of profit he makes from managing a mega star" We then see a shot of Rebecca standing on stage with a bright colours red theatre backdrop, her new blonde hair her bright red lips, glittery dress and she's stood singing her heart out and the audience applauding, she has finally got her dream. The scene then goes black and the grey colour wash and cinematography comes back like pervious scenes. You can see in her eyes she is extremely unhappy and has a forced smiling expression on her face. The shot then cuts to George and its a close-up shot, we see his evil smirk. Then the screen goes blank.

Credits Roll. 

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