Tuesday 21 October 2014

Studio Planning

Topic/Issue: SNL Kimye Talk Show...this a talk show parody making jokes about The Kardashions and Kanye West who have their own morning talk show. I was thinking about a Talk Show starring normal people dressed as famous celebrities to parody celebrities in the public eye at the moment such as Nicki Minaj, Justin Bieber etc and using comedy to humiliate them.
Possibly have a host like James Franco in this VMA skit, blatantly mocking the celebrities he has on his show to anger them it's quite like The Office where David Brent thinks he is a funny boss but actually everyone hates him. Although instead of real celebrities we will dress up like them to create a humorous interview show. 

 I want to programme to be very humourous and make people laugh in a silly parody way, dressing up as celebrities and not taking yourself too seriously, also I want the host to be insulting and I want it to have quite insulting language to add humour. In the studio there could be a green screen and two seats and the green screan could show LA, so it makes the audience believe that they're in a studio in Hollywood. They're will be graphics of pictures appearing on the screen such as recent photos of the celebrities people are
impersonating like they use on the Ellen Show...

Research the target audience:

 I think my audience would relate to both genres but mostly younger people in their teens and early twenties because they are usually people who are up to date with recent celebrities and would understand the humour and jokes made. I think it would be popular because lots of younger people spend alot of time on Youtube and the most popular channels are parody channels of people making a joke out of celebrities and they're songs. A youtuber called Bart Baker who makes parody's about celebrities recent songs has 4,133,310 subscribers so I think that it's a popular and funny thing for teenagers to watch. 


I think some problems with this idea is that some people might not have the guts to not take themselves too seriously and won't be up for making themselves look silly dressed up as celebrities, also I think that finding the right clothes to look like the celebrities we are paordying on the talk show. To get over this problem I think we would have to use clothes that we already have and hope for the best, also get confident people who are up for it. But I think that the set design will be simple just a green screen and clips of celebrities and pictures and possibly like the VMA skit video, some footage of people on the visual mixer showing that they're not taking their job seriously on the talk show, so its a disaster intensely.


It's comedy and parody, the programme is a talk show and it's not following the typical conventions because I want it to be a joke about it being a bad show.

Guests/Crew needed: 

In this production we will need a director, production manager, floor manager, two vision mixers, three camera operators, and a sound technician we will need three microphones. We will need a presenter and two participants to play the role of two celebrities, the people playing the celebrities have to have a good sense of humour and confidence to act in front of the camera.  

VT needed:  

We can pre film a comedy sketch of someone dressed as a celebrity walking in the general public, asda or somewhere where normal everyday people are and acting like a diva for example throwing things off the shelves in asda and asking people "Don't you know who I am?" and the host can cut back to the studio and ask the celebrity if they've been taking drugs or are having a mental breakdown. 

Outline structure: 

ACT ONE: Presenter in the studio introducing themselves and explaining who they'll be having on the talk show today, they're will be graphics edited onto the screen of celebrities who are taking part in the show and the first guest will walk into the studio and sit down with the presenter, the presenter will ask stupid questions which will anger the guest and they'll become frustrated with the presenter

ACT TWO: Who will then show footage from a "source" such as TMZ which will seem like paparazzi footage of the celebrity "Lindsay Lohan" acting like a diva or doing something outrageous and funny and the presenter will then cut back away from the clip and ask if they're having a mental breakdown or have a drug addition. Which then the celebrity will walk away from the studio in anger. 

ACT THREE: Another guest will walk in "Justin Bieber" the presenter will also mock them and show footage they've found which embarrasses them, the celebrity will tell the presenter this is the worst talk show they've ever been on and will punch him in the face, afterwards it will cut to the vision mixers saying it's a wrap the shows over and we will hear ambulance sirens.

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