Tuesday 11 November 2014

Studio Production Diary and HOTBOX video

Your role how do you feel about it? 
My role in the production is vision mixer, I have to select between each camera in the studio using a production switcher to show the guests and host on our debate show. I also select and create graphics to be used on the background of the green screen. I record the final video in the studio using a computer and I find this job rather easy and fun to work with because it's something I have never done before and I enjoy learning new things, it can be quite tricky to perfect which is what I've learnt in our first studio sessions but I think I picked it up fast and it takes a few takes to not capture any mistakes. 

What have you been responsible for in the folder?
In the folder I have been responsible for the shot list, risk assessment and VT planning also the shooting schedule.

What do you think about commitment and group work?
I think it's better working in groups because you have the help from more people and things get done faster and to a higher level because everyone is pitching in their ideas and talent. I think it's commitment in the group is good because all our work has been completed on time and even leaving us with extra time to focus on other aspects of the assessment, everyone does what their asked and need to do in the group.  

How do you feel about the idea?
I think the idea of our HOTBOX movie review debate show is a good idea however I think we need people as guests who are very passionate and have thought out opinions and have character and strong personalities to keep the audience entertained otherwise people may become bored of hearing teenagers discussing why they love superheroes without any interesting facts and opinions. 

What has been discussed in the production meetings?
In the production meetings we have spoke about what days we will be doing our VT, shooting in the studio, who we want for our guests, presenter, what type of graphics we want on the green screen. What paper work needs to be completed and who needs to be in on certain days to film and do their assigned jobs. We have also spoke about how we are going to make this production work and how it will target our audience.

What has been useful in rehearsals? 
In the rehearsals in the studio everything has been very useful, we have learnt that you cannot waste time messing around everyone has to be extremely professional because we only get a certain amount of time in the studio so we need to make the most of that time. I learnt it can take quite a lot of takes to record the perfect version of the show depending how professional the guests and presenter are being. Also it takes some time trying to get the cameras in the perfect place which we want them to be. 

Have there been any problems you have had to overcome? 
There hasn't been any problems really apart from trying to make the most of the time in the studio and making sure everything is recording and double checking things through to make the most of our time. 


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