Tuesday 2 December 2014

Unit 32 Assignment 2

Production Diary 

Today I started my mind map and began to think about what type of vibe I would want for the channel, I am really inspired by pop culture from the cheesy 90's and the 80's films/music videos I love the bright colours and over the top fashion and how it relates to youth culture. I wanted my logo to seem bright and inspired by Joy Division's Unknown Pleasure the sound wave of audio will be involved in the ITV MUSIC logo, plus I want the logo to constantly be changing when the channel has different programmes coming on which was inspired by MTV. I have created a logo on word and have decided to add a glow around the word "ITV" to make the word stand out more, it's a nice touch. 

My mind map is finished and I knew straight away which kind of ident I wanted to create for before showing a music documentary. I wanted to show the brightly coloured street art which is all around Manchester so it would be easily filmed and would engage youth into the art culture of cities and how music and art is surrounding us all the time inspiring us. I looked at how Viva and 4Music target their audience by being realistic about what teenagers enjoy to do in their spare time, such as drinking, social media, shopping, phones, gigs, clubbing etc. and have involved this "Skin's" style into their idents. I also looked at the audiences surrounding already existing ITV channels and realised that not one channel has been designed purely to target teenagers. As being a teenager myself I think it's quite easy to understand the target audience of my own age range so I found the mind map fairly easy. 

I began my collages of what I would want to include in my three different idents, I am not good at drawing so I thought it was a better idea to find images on the internet and edit them to my use. I have shown pictures of what I would like to include in my idents and have wrote a brief description below, this will help me to plan and create my storyboards. 

I found creating an ident for TOP40UK because I know their mostly purely edited and created with green screens and after effects, I don't really enjoy this as much as filming real life sources and creating effects in real life because I think it makes the ident seem more realistic to life which will relate to youth as they're constantly being given green screens and effects and I want ITV Music to be able to go back in time when things we're much simpler but also very creative and effective to the audience. 
I think my brand identity is good and clear, showing popular culture and bright colours which reflects the channels music content. 
My ideas are...

1. Their will be numerous clips of the show The O
sbourne's the funniest moments to be able to draw a large audience into watching this programme. This technique was inspired by Viva because when they're given rights to a new reality show they create an ident which shows the best moments from the show, most channels do this to draw an audience into watching the show. The ITV MUSIC logo will appear throughout and will fly across the screen during the end. With audio of a comedic track over the clips and a voice over at the end saying "Coming up next, The Osbourne's" 

2. This idea for an ident will be roughly around 20 seconds long, it will have the audio of an instrumental relating to the music documentary the channel will be showing next. It will have shots clearly showing off the talent and art that is surrounding Manchester, each artwork will be quickly cut onto the next and it will be filled with colour and eye-catching. At the end of the ident ITV MUSIC will become spray painted onto the wall, this will be created in Adobe After Effects. There will then be a voice over saying "Coming Next Music Documentary".

3. This idea was quite hard to come up with but I was inspired by different photography using coloured smoke flares, it adds a nice effect and uses the bright colours I want the channel to have, young teenagers will be stood in a woodland area and smoke flares will be on the ground and some of the cast will be holding the flares. It will be artistically shot with interesting shots and will be covering the faces of some of the cast and others will be shown spinning around holding them. I will also find an abandoned area and put smoke flares in unseen holes to create a wide shot. I will then have a close up to the colourful smoke and ITV MUSIC will appear in the smoke and a voiceover will cue in saying "Coming Next TOP40UK".

Today I choose the idea I want to pick which is Manchester Street Art and booked a camera and a tripod, I didn't end up using the tripod which could of made my footage not as good, but I kind of wanted it to have that raw feel towards it like it was being filmed on a hand held camera. I walked around town and found my favourite street art and got lots of shots, I plan on editing some of the footage on Final Cut Pro tomorrow. 

I edited footage on Final Cut Pro of what I filmed around Manchester City Centre, it's quite free style and hand held which I think is a good effect to the ident because it relates to the younger audience because they're used to filming things on their iphone etc. and I want it to be able to target my audience. I found the track of the instrumental I want on the background of the ident The XX - Crystallised, this song goes with the feel and style of the city. I have also been trying to figure out After Effects but I'm finding it really hard to get my head around it, I want my logo to appear on the wall in a spray paint effect but it's really complicated and is taking me ages. 

Today I lost my footage I was editing on final cut pro and restarted editing, I added colour filters onto my video which I thought was a better look for the video, the instrumental really works well and after watching video tutorials on YouTube I have gotten used to using Adobe After Effects and have created a paint splatter effect which I will put over the gaps of the street art in my ident and during the end when my ITV MUSIC logo appears I have also recorded a voice over for the end saying "Coming up next The Stone Roses documentary" because the video has a Manchester vibe. 

            MIND MAP: 

Design shown before reality TV show:
My ident shown before a reality TV show, will be a montage of funny clips taken from the show with an audio track playing over the footage, it will then show an animation of the ITV MUSIC logo across the screen in a transition. 

Audio for the background of the ident

Idea for a ident to run before a music documentary:

The idea for an ident before a documentary is to film street art around Manchester and in post production add animation and transitions. I have this idea that ITV Music will show a lot of pop culture and is to encourage young people to be more creative and involved in the art of music and the visualisations of music videos is artwork so showing art before a documentary will show that the musician that is being shown on the film will have always been inspired by daily things they haven't really taken into account. Plus the artwork is brightly coloured and goes with the idea and the style of the channel that I want it to have. 

Idea's for an ident before the UKTOP 40 or other countdown:

My idea for the ident shown before UKTOP40 was hard for me to think about because I know that a lot of idents that appear before the TOP40 are produced in adobe after effects so it took me a long time to be able to think about what I could involve to create a more animated ident because I don't think that is my strongest point. This ident will have a practical set, filmed in a woodland area and possibly an abandoned area/house. It will involve coloured smoke flares which you can buy fairly cheap, I think this adds a colourful and youthful effect which I want to create to target the audience well. Audio of an instrumental from a popular song in the UKTOP40 will be playing in the background, then in after effects they're will be the ITV logo that will appear in the smoke.



Audio cue: Voiceover - "Coming Next Music Documentary" 


Audio Cue: Voiceover - "Coming next TOP40UK" 

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