Tuesday 24 February 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 2 part 2

Why are these certain things that young people shouldn't watch? 

Their brains haven't developed enough maturity to understand the concept/content and storyline of the films which are rated 18 or 15. 

Ethics is usually something you learn from your parents its what you believe is right and wrong for example believing that murder is wrong although you may think a rapist should be murdered which is entering a sliding scale between what is wrong and what is right. Ethic views also come from your own personal experiences, culture and education and also the media. 

What programmes teach us good behaviour? Balamory teaches children good behaviour because they go to school and learn life lessons from their teachers and visitors who come to the nursery. Also Teletubbies teaches children to clean up after themselves and be nice to each other and share and play nicely. Another is Scrubs because at the end of each episode we see JD has learnt a new lesson each day, how to care for people, how to be a better doctor etc. 

What programmes teach us bad behaviour? Geordie Shore and 16 and Pregnant for teens, Super nanny for children because they wind their parents up and influence naughty behaviour, my super sweet 16, ex on the beach, teen mom, two and a half men, breaking bad, house of cards, storage hunters, skins, misfits.  

TV and Film's are made for entertainment purposes and people who watched certain programmes choose to watch these based on their views of what's right and what's wrong and their ethic views. I think that young children should stick to watching programmes that teach them how to be good and well behaved children such as the Teletubbies like they all share with each other and clean up after themselves and play nicely and other children's rated programmes generally teach children to be kind and helps them mature into nice caring children. There are child block settings on TV's and that can prevent kids and minors from watching shows that are bad for them. Thus I conclude that the bad influence on TV has been lessened by the technology that we have today and can be good for children for teaching and learning new things like counting, nursery rhymes and friendly characters. I think it depends on the parents if their children are watching films or TV shows that are too old and are a bad influence on them, it's up to the parents to choose what their kids watch. Although I don't think that all TV shows should be good ethical in the sense that teens and adults have matured and can understand humour, violence etc. in a way that it wouldn't affect them personally unless they had something personally wrong with them, it's something to laugh at or something to scare you they have gripping storylines and entertain us as adults watching the same content as young children wouldn't keep them interested. But I do think it depends on how weak minded the person is if it affects them largely because I do agree that Geordie Shore and Skins etc would effect some teenagers to party and take drugs and be very publicly drunk because it's what they have to look up if they choose to do that. It depends on if they watch it for a laugh or are watching it because they want that lifestyle, I think it really just depends on the person and their personal lives and events that have happened in their life to create their own ethical views. 

Overall I do think TV and Films effect peoples behaviour and influences them, the media has a huge impact on children, youth and adults. The ethics of films and TV can change a teens perception of love for example if their watching romantic films they may have a higher exception of love. Violent and action films pay a role in teens personality it could make them more aggressive. If you see a character doing something on the screen you may think thats the right thing to do although it might not be. 

In Big Brother Jade and Shilpa have an argument and Jade is very aggressive and bullying the other woman, it makes you think that Jade is very immature and has always been a bully or been bullied I think that she was jealous of Shilpa the way she called her a 'princess'. Channel 4 showed this because its entertainment purposes, arguing is what the viewers of big brother want to see and channel 4 know this. My view on the clip is that Jade was out of line for taking it that far and has a lot of problems she needs to address without taking it out on silly things like food in the house, the problem was obviously something else or she was jealous so she took it too far and it's strange to see adults acting so childish.  

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