Thursday 15 January 2015

News Studio Planning

  • Topic/Issue: The idea I want to choose is celebrity news, telling the audience about what famous celebrities have been up to and the headlines and stories that have been in the media, kind of like E! News or TMZ. A presenter will discuss the top headlines of who's in the public eye for example of Kim Kardashion, Beyonce, Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez etc. talking about their love lives, fashion and new albums/films and deals they've been signed too. The set will have a NYC background to look like it's being filmed in New York City and will professional and the presenter will look smart and stylish. 

The studio background will look like this

  • It will look like Jimmy Kimmel's studio, apart from celebrity's won't be sat down for an interview it will be a host telling the audience about current events in the media about famous celebrities. 

  • The presenter will be funny, confident and well dressed and stylish. This will draw more female fans into the celebrity news show because it will be aimed mostly at girls and this will make girls want to watch it more if there's a good looking funny male in a suit talking about their favourite stars. 


  • Research the target audience The target audience for celebrity news is young people aged 13-25. I think it relates more to girls who are interested in celebrities lives in the media and the audience that usually watch programmes like E! News and TMZ are usually females but also males can be interested in this also because of the attractive females. "As of August 2013, E! News has an audience reach of approximately 96,472,000 American households (84.48% of households)"  Thats a huge viewing figure to prove that the news programme we would make would be extremely popular. TMZ on Youtube has 1,320,105 subscribers and 947,717,992 views.


  • I want to be able to cut to different clips of celebrities this is the vision mixers job, after the clips have played I want it to cut back to the host and it will show images of the celebrity on the background but not covering the NYC view. This could be a technical problem and they could not be able to get the timing right which would mean more takes, but if it's a live news problem it could be a problem so we would need to practise getting the planning perfect for what we want to achieve. People not showing up on time could cause problems for the production so we need to make sure that the host and crew turn up on time for practising and the final take we do. Make sure that all wires are put safely and basic health and safety procedures whilst on set the equipment that we will be using is very expensive so we need to look after it and be professional. 


  • The genre of the programme is news but shown in a comedic and light way based on celebrities and their lives. The conventions of this programme is celebrity obsession, glitz and glam, style, fashion, money and naming and shaming it's a programme to show off how good these famous peoples lives are or not. For example if Lindsay Lohan is having a breakdown the show will talk about it and make jokes but if Beyonce just sold a million albums and is about to do a world tour and is pregnant with her second child it will be news to make the viewer quite jealous of their life. I think to make my programme more creative is have funny sketches or parody's of what celebrities have been doing for example get comedians to do short sketches that we will show clips of and will be generally more funny and hosted by someone with a fun sense of humour but also very good looking. So it won't be really taking it's self seriously but will be showing celebrities lives in a fun interesting way. We could also do a fashion run way with cheaper versions of celebrities outfits that can be found on the high street which teenage girls would be interested in. 

Guests/Crew needed

  •  In the studio I will be one presenter who will be the main person throughout the show, 5 participants (girls) to wear cheaper versions of the celebrity clothes bought from high street stores coping celebrities expensive clothes worn in the media and at events, we would need two vision mixers because they would be an important role in the production of this news show, 5 camera operators to shoot the host and participants in different shots, 3 microphones one for the host and two for two of the girls on the runway. I would need confident and funny out there people who aren't afraid of the camera and can remember and learn a script. 

VT needed

  • The VT I will use is either a celebrity parody like SNL that will make the audience laugh and will be pre filmed and edited into our production. Another idea is runway fashion cheap celebrity style steals that can be put into the production to help teenagers get the fashion for an affordable price. The host will talk about celebrities current styles and that will help us cut to the VT and will be relevant news to young teenage girls or women. 

Outline structure

  •  Roughly what will happen, a draft script/step by step/three act structure outline of the programme is needed. 

In the beginning the presenter will be stood infront of the studio/green screen, first they will be talking about information on the new celebrity gossip. They will be telling us about the new stories that are happening in the celebrity world and new styles, love interests and albums/films that they will be releasing. It will have 'banter' between them in order to add the elements of entertainment/comedy in order to keep the audience interested in the programme. 


The presenter will cut to a VT of a paraody and a fashion cheap style runaway and will be funny and informing teenagers that they can look like their favourite celebrities but at a cheaper price and will show the name of the shops and prices and styles and comparing them to pictures. The celebrity paradies will show actors acting out something that is popular in the media for example Kim Kardashion's Break the Internet photo. It will then cut back to the studio and the host.


The end of the programme will be the presenter thanking everyone for tuning in and will do a quick run up of who's films/albums are coming out soon and who they expect big things from this year. Also it will state some of the biggest celebrity fails and some funny paparazzi videos. 

Then In your teams, pick the one you want to do.
Upload some notes from your discussion today and label them UNIT 23 AND 4 STUDIO PRODUCTION TASK 2

Your production manager then needs to assign people
 to do various jobs

The  team need to be working on something from this Production List

  1. List and sketches of equipment/set design needs (green screen/white wall/desks/chairs etc etc) some of the sketches will need to go on the powerpoint)
  2. A written three act structure and  script,(ideally the person who's idea this was originally should do this, ,maybe with someone else & the three act structure should be briefly on the powerpoint)
  3. Sketches or mock ups of graphics for design of programme logo (these will need to go on the powerpoint)
  4. Research about the idea (facts/figures/analysis of the running order of existing programmes TO SHOW WHY THIS SORT OF PROGRAMME SHOULD BE MADE AND HOW IT TARGETS THE AUDIENCE)
  5. Shot list per camera with dialogue cues, (cannot be done until script is finished)
  6.  VT prep (what is the VT, then write script, do the recce, write shot lists, shooting schedule and risk assessment)
  7. What rules from the Broadcasting Act and Ofcom apply to your programme?

Then the people in the team will need to make a powerpoint where you try and convince me that this idea should be made. Make sure you run the powerpoint past everyone, so everyone knows what they are saying and is happy with it. The people in charge of the powerpoint will need to have information from the production list below.

  1. Give loads of examples of how the audience will be targeted
  2. Discuss why the audience will like this programme
  3. Make sure I have visuals so I will have an idea of what it will look like and the things that you will be talking about.
  4. Then give me loads of examples of what genre it is and why yours is quirky/creative/important
Make sure your team checks the ppt and is happy with it as you are all going to present it to me the first lesson back after HALF TERM. Everyone in the group must speak and you must be clear and persuasive, remember its all about showmanship!!


Mark scheme for presentation

D2: in their pitch learners will present their project in a clear way and with enthusiasm. Ideas will have been thoroughly thought out and there will be clear research about how the programme is going to work. The target audience will be made really clear and they will have specific examples from their programme about how that audience will be addressed. The assessor will be left with the overall impression that this is a project based on a creative idea and solid research, with there being every chance of a highly successful product resulting from it.

You will be starting your rehearsals after half term so you need to work on the pre production things over half term

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