Tuesday 13 January 2015

Unit 8 Assignment 4

Jobs relating to my Uni Course which I am interested in...Business Management with Law Degree

This job would be a perfect job as I would be willing to relocate after I graduate for a job, this job is for a Business Manager at the BBC, it involves managing others and setting targets of BBC Online and Future Media. Working on management information reports, writing investment business cases, operating business management systems, tools and processes that add value to a business, I will learn these skills from my degree and a work placement year. This would be a great chance to use my degree as well as my BTEC course. 

This job is good because it's a graduate job Business Development Executive for a company called Pareto Law as my degree is with Law I think my degree will stand out and it's no experience necessary as it's a graduate job and they'll train you themselves whilst my degree would help me in landing this job. 

This job is a very high paying job to become a Project Manger - Risk Management Framework to work for the co-operative bank, you need to be able to have strong project management skills and experience of supporting strategic initiatives and know risk dynamics involved in banking, this may include all legal and requirements. I will be learning about the legal sides of finance and have the knowledge to fit the job role after I have graduated.

     Job Adverts for Camera Operator/Producers Media Related

         This job description is being a camera operator for a museum £9.00 an hour and is based for you to be filming parts of the history and create documents in excel and windows. I don't think this job isn't that good because it's only £9.00 per hour and isn't being creative it's just filming around a museum and it's located in Newcastle. 


        This is the only job I found on Indeed.com that is based in Manchester and it's not a good advertisement because it doesn't even say how much you will be earning and isn't very professional, I think the best jobs to apply for is jobs at MediaCityUK using the website and applying for media jobs in London. 
This is based in London and is a 6 month internship I think this is good and possibly if you are good at the job they will keep you on afterwards. It's £19.00 an hour just for a starting salary. You have to have a degree in camera operating and film direction, film production or light/sound. This is one of the best ones I have found even though its only for 5-9 months and it's based in London. 


           This apprenticeship is a good thing to apply to because it's £153.84 a week and your being based at MEDIACITYUK in Salford and you'll be working with the external affairs team. You'll be working with professionals in the BBC and you'll be able to put this on your CV.

 Position: Portfolio Manager / Programme Manager

Location: MediaCityUK, Salford Quays, Manchester, North West

Salary: £50,000 - £65,000+ PA depending on experience

This is a good job if your looking into going into a programme manager 

This is a good job to apply for but you need a degree to apply.


The conditional offers state I need DMM in my Media Course to get a place onto these courses I have applied for. I have applied for something not related to media because I think I would rather keep Media as a hobby rather than try and get a career in this field. A degree combining business with law is an opportunity to understand the legal structures within which businesses operate whilst gaining valuable business knowledge and skills. These business degrees cover people management, finance, marketing, business environment, strategy, as well as business and company law. I think they're are more opportunities studying Business.  

This is a link for North West Media Make-up School which is based within The Pie Factory at MediaCityUK and is one of the UK’s top providers of make-up courses.
"If you are looking to break into the make-up industry, then the team here will help you with gaining the internationally-recognized qualifications and experience needed.The North West Media make-up school is a provider of media based training, run by celebrity make-up artists and media professionals." 
This course would help me because after my Media Course you can go into Media Make-Up that you can use on actors who are performing in stage shows, interviews, photo-shoots, television shows and films. The course is based at the BBC and the prices can range from £9400 and £5200.




S = Strengths 

I think my strengths are completing tasks and deadlines always even if it means working in my own time to ensure that my work is to it's highest standard before the deadline. I also think listening skills I understand things straight away and can listen carefully and clearly. I think I am hard working and have creative fun and interesting ideas and can work well in a team or on my own. 

W= Weaknesses

Always being on time and not being late due to relying on buses and public transport and also feeling tired during lessons/work. Not always having the kit we need whilst creating a media project, so making sure that you always have the right equipment booked and making sure I plan things throughly.

O= Opportunities

I will have many different opportunities to improve my skills in Media because I have a lot of different units yet to finish and hopefully these will give me skills I can use later in life which will help me with university. At this age I have the opportunity to apply for jobs, apprenticeships, university courses and training courses which is a good thing because there's so much that a young person can get involved with that will give them tons of opportunities.  

Stopping me from achieving a job in the Media could be because there is a lot of talented more experienced and more qualified people trying to get a job in this hard business. Finance and getting to jobs without having a car is a threat because the job role could be further away from my home so it would require even more travelling. If you have lots of money you can basically buy your way into a job, having money makes money so I think I would be at a higher privilege if I had a lot of money. I don't really have a plan in action for a Media career and think of it more as a hobby but could possibly plan something in the future, pressure to work a lot to achieve means lack of social life which is a threat to some young people as they like to be social and live out their youth rather than work hard whilst their young. Family pressure, sometimes families don't believe your doing the right thing and also can pressure you into doing something you don't want to do or push you into the wrong job so it's a threat of getting confused with what other people want and with what you want to do. 

My life plan after college is to go to university at MMU and study Business Management with Law and complete my first year after that I want to study my second year abroad in New York City studying at campus, after that have a work placement year working at a Business company which can be in London for work experience and to learn more into what my career will be like, Then return to Manchester for my last year and complete my degree. After my degree I want to go travelling to broaden my horizons and mature me in life to deal and cope with different places and maybe learn a new language. After that I want to apply for jobs and would be willing to relocate for my dream job, move and work hard at my career. I think it will be easily to get work if I decide to put a lot of work in to make myself very employable and try and get a 1st in my degree. I just need to stand out and during my studying I will try my best to get loads of placements and intern to make my CV look very good so I will stand out to a company. To be a successful employee in this sector I need to have very good time-management skills, be a good leader, be confident, be wise and have a lot of knowledge that my education will give me. 

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