Thursday 17 October 2013

Unit 26 Assignment 3 Notes 1

First trailer

At the start of the trailer we see Steve Carell, he has a big fan base and is a known comedian actor so straight away a certain type of audience would be interested in seeing this film when he jumps out the car. 

Then we see Ryan Gosling dressed in a suit which makes teenage girls and women go to see this film because he's a sex symbol. Also we see Emma Stone which makes guys want to see the film because she is attractive. 

The humour in this film and also the music and soundtrack of Muse builds up the trailer towards the end and gives the trailer a mood so families, teens, young couple, girls, women, guys and basically draws in alot of audiences. 

Second Trailer

The title Carrie makes an audience want to see the film because it's based on a famous book by Stephen King, the mother singing at the start makes horror fans want to see the film, and people that are fans, the music and the camera shots and the tension brings an audience to the film. 

It seems like an epic film because of the trailer and you can't really tell what genre it is, which makes a lot of people interested in seeing this film.  

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