Tuesday 9 September 2014

(Year 2 Prep Work) Activity 2: JOB ROLES

Activity 2: JOB ROLES 



A directors job is obviously to direct the film, but this means that they have control of the overall visual of the film, from what actors are used, to what location is used. Directors also have control over the production design and visualise the script.

  • What are they responsible for?
-Directing the film
-Visualising the script
-Hiring cast members
-Production design
-Guiding the technical crew

  • What skills and qualifications do you need to have? 
l though it is not required, the majority of successful directors have completed bachelors degrees in film production
  • Who are they the boss of?
Directors are in charge of guiding the crew team, they are also in charge of the actors in which they have decided to hire to be a part of their production.

  • How much does it pay?
Directors tend to gain 10 percent of the films gross earning. Famous directors such as Nolan and Speilburg earn from 1 million up to 10 million,.
  • What are your working times like? Do you work on contracts, for weeks, days or months?
Directors working times are variable based on the type of production they are directing, but also how ever long the production takes to complete.

  • What does the job include?
An editor gains all of the footage collected by the camera crew. They then have to prepare the product, this means that they have to build up the story in a sense, putting clips where they need to be or wherever it bests suits the clip. Editors can also delete or get rid of clips if this is required to make the product moe successful. 

  • What are they responsible for?
Editors are responsible for putting the product together, they are responsible for collecting all the footage and putting it all together within a software to create a successful end product. They are also responsible to the sound. 

  • What skills and qualifications do you need to have? 
Editors are expected to have gone into study such as college and university and studied the specific topic, therefore meaning they will be expected to know the ins and outs of the software that they use, and know how to successfully create a finished product. They will be expected to have a form of degree in editing software or media.

  • Who are they the boss of?
Editorial assistants.
  • How much does it pay?
The pay varies based on the production however it can vary between £18,000 to £25,000, this is at beginners level. If it was to be at a experienced level it would vary between £37,000 to £70,000.

  • What are your working times like? Do you work on contracts, for weeks, days or months?
Work hours vary based on the production and the size of the production, however it tends to be shift work based on office hours. However editors are genuinely required once the filming process is complete. Hours also vary on when editing studios have been booked. 

Sound technician
  • What does the job include?
Sound technicians jobs include being able to assemble and operate the required equipment to record any dialogue or sounds required for a production.

  • What are they responsible for?
Assembling and operating sound equipment  as well as ensuring sound is recording at the required times and dialogue is picked up.

  • What skills and qualifications do you need to have? 
You need to have certificates such as diplomas and degrees within the specific area, meaning you need to be aware of the equipment and how to operate it as well as how to assemble it.

  • Who are they the boss of?
They are in control of the sound and making sure that the sound is to the best of it's ability 

  • How much does it pay?
Depending on the size and length of the product, and also the budget of the film, sound technicians can receive from £30,000-£35,000, however this also varies based on working hours. 

  • What are your working times like? Do you work on contracts, for weeks, days or months?
Working hours vary on the production, sound recorders are required throughout the filming process as they are required to collect all sound necessary for the product.

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