Tuesday 9 September 2014

(Year 2 Prep Work) Activity 3: The development of stop motion animation

ACTIVITY 3: The development of stop motion animation

producer- Dylan Standard
Year- 2013

Claymation for a child:
producer- superdaddytv.com
year- 2011

Claymation from the 1980's

producer- (1)Scott star, (2)Frog and Toad?, (3)KFC
year- 1980's?(x3)

Claymation of real people:


Producer-The Geek Squad

Research into stop motion animation:


Stop motion animation is one of the earliest forms of animation and production. Stop motion animation can be presented in a variety of different ways. Some can be presented using clay, and more recent stop motion animation is shown as real world, real people. This is where people use stop motion to show lifestyle situations such as going to the shops, or in my example, getting up late for school.

http://www.dragonframe.com/intro_to_stop_motion.php :


Stop motion animation (also called stop frame animation) is animation that is captured one frame at time, with physical objects that are moved between frames. When you play back the sequence of images rapidly, it creates the illusion of movement. If you understand how 2D drawn animation (early Disney) works, stop motion is similar, except using physical objects instead of drawings."

Stop motion could have started as far back as the 1650's, this is due to imagery. However the first real signs or so i believe of stop motion were through flip books, which were first discovered and created in the 1860's, 1868 to be precise.

To create stop motion somebody will have had to create a drawing, model or come up with a storyline. Following doing this you would need a camera to capture every slight movement, you would have to move your image or object ever so slightly and take a picture. Once doing this all the images would be played as one to create a moving imagery production. Back in the 1860's, to create a stop motion animation a book was used, and on each page of the book a image would be drawn, on each page it would be changing every so slightly, to create the movement you would have to flick through the book, which would make the characters of objects move, for example a character walking across the page.
Here is an example of a flip book stop motion animation:

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