Friday 27 September 2013

John Hughes - Auteur Notes

Quote about John Hughes from Easy A

''Though his stock in trade was broad, he had a particular gift for the speech and emotions of middle-class suburban youth, who were portrayed in his films with a complexity and respect rarely afforded to them in major Hollywood features''

This quote shows that John Hughes is an auteur because you can identify his films, by the way he showcases the emotions of teenagers in the 1980's, he shows the struggles and problems that they are dealing with and gives them a voice. 

John Hughes casts Molly Ringwald as the main female actress in most of his films (The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles) this also suggests that he is an auteur because you can identify one of his films from seeing the same cast. 

His cast were named The Brat Pack which were Emilio EstevezAnthony Michael HallRob LoweAndrew McCarthyJudd NelsonMolly Ringwald. So when you see this cast you know that you are watching a John Hughes film. 

My two John Hughes films are Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Breakfast Club

Supporting films are Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink

My comparison films are Mean Girls and Clueless

Analysis of scenes...

The Breakfast Club - Getting to know each other 

20 seconds into this clip we have been introduced to the characters and we can identify who and what type of individuals these people are by Hughes use of custumes and this shows their statuses amongst their peers, we already have an idea of his interest and hobbies outside of detention. Even the simplest stylistic choices employed sharpen the audiences understanding of who the characters are and what they are about. We see that it is set in a high school library, where the characters were confined. Between the florescent lighting, the uncomfortable chairs and being surrounded by books, the scene becomes relatable to the target audience. He uses this very average scene as the backdrop for the unusual activity which happened within its confines. The simplicity and the mundane nature in which the movie occurs is used as a comparison between the sometimes boring and confining nature of high school, the the extraordinary events and conversation that occurred within.  Nearly every prop within the film is used to clarify the kind of status the characters have within a high school setting.

What is an Auteur? 

An Auteur is a theory that the directors films can be easily identified by a constant visual style and mise en scene and also the cinematography that the certain auteur uses so you can easily tell who's film you are watching by their style. 

We are now justify to argue that John Hughes is an auteur. 


"Hughes was smart enough to take teenagers and their problems seriously - and remember that at that age everything is life or death." This quote argues that he is an auteur because his films make the audience take into account what teenagers are going through. 


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