Monday 16 September 2013


Who does what?

Sound Recordist - It is their job to record sound on location with a boom pole

Sound Mixer - Person who mixes (balances) the sound during post-production

Foley Artist - Person mimics/Recreates sounds that are happening on screen

Composer/Score Writer - Person who composes the music

Sound Designer - Person who designs the sound

What do we record?

Dialogue - Individuals, Groups

Background/Atmosphere - Animate (e.g people walking around, something that moves) and Inanimate (e.g knock on the door, something that doesn't move)

SFX - Sound Effects for unrealistic sounds and real world sounds, Foley is for sounds created in a music studio.

 There are two types of sounds- 

Sync (when the audio is in time with the video) MUST be in sync/in time with the video so that we can understand the video.

Non Sync (when the audio isn't in time with the video) DON'T need to be in sync with the video to be understood.

Sound mixing- Balancing all your sounds.

Wild track - a recording of background sound from nature.

Where you record is important, its called your environment, how do we control what we record?

On Location - Tips for Shutting out Sound

  • Choose the correct microphone
  •  - Lavier (clip mic)   
  • - Shotgun mic
  •  -Omni-directional 
  • -Directional/cardioid
  • Mic Position - Has to be Above or Pointing Down
  • Use Muffler/Dead Cat
  • ADR - Additional Dialogue Recording

In the Studio

Perfect Acoustics

Sound Control

Additional Sound Recording

Mixers, Recorders and Monitoring

Field Mixer - Plug the XLR Cable into the microphone into the field mixer and you can adjust the levels (volume) of the sound. Mixers don't record sound, they mix the levels to increase or decrease the volume to give it a better effect. 

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