Thursday 19 September 2013

Sound & Listening tracks

Sound track

We know what genre means type and we know we can prove what genre it is from looking at examples from the micro elements, we know that films can be more than one genre so they can be a hybrid, another phrase you may hear are generic conventions.

Generic conventions is just a label, its a title for the things you expect to see, so if you expect to see blood as a special effect that's a generic convention of a horror film, if you expect to see a gun in a film that's a generic convention of an action, it's typical things you see if the different genres of films.

Narrative deals with structure weather it is a linear or a non linear if there are multi strands in that narrative. It also deals with character type like heroes, villains and victims. Another thing that narrative can discuss are enigma codes. Enigma codes are puzzles, things in the film that have to be solved in order for you to understand the film. In a film there can be a lot of little engimas or a large engima which the whole plot of the film is revolved around.

Enigmas make the film more interesting for the audience, always keeping them thinking for example the audience thinking during a horror film weather or not they know who the killer is or if they know how the film will end, leaving the audience to guess the answers, which makes the film viewing more enjoyable and entertaining.

Looking more at sound of films in more detail, there are two main types...diegetic and non diegetic. Diegetic sound is sound that is part of the film world, for example dialogue is a major part of diegetic sound, listening to the characters talking and interacting. If the film was set in an office the clicking of keyboards, phones ringing in the background etc. all of the ambient sounds are DIEGETIC SOUNDS.

Non diegetic sounds is sound that is not recognized in the film world, so a voice over or background music anything that is added on after, normally sound tracks and voice overs. Contrapuntal sound is also a sound is a sound that doesn't fit with the image, for example a sound that isn't meant to fit with the moving image.

Sound bridges help sound lead onto one sentence to the next, is it fast or is it slow paced, what type of instruments are used? This helps the audience understand how they should feel whilst watching the film, it also gives a hint at what genre the film is.


Les Misérables

This film won an award for best sound mixing, this sound mixing and the structure of the sound makes the film more cinematic and more detailed, this makes the audience feel more involved with the film and feel like they are there with the actors, it makes the songs they sing more enjoyable.

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