Monday 23 September 2013

Types of Production- light

Types of Production

Single camera production - 

  • On location
  • fictional based dramas
  • feature film
  • documentary 
  • TV drama 

Multi camera production - Corrie would be a multi camera production, they shoot this from multi different cameras at time. They only try to shoot one scene and get it right to save money because it is filmed in one day and can't afford to make mistakes. Also The News is a multi camera production its a live broadcast, this is not edited so they just cut to different cameras. 

Light - Light is everything we see, once you understand light you begin to understand the video. 

Soft light - Diffused light, makes everything look 'cosy' this type of light is usually used for love films etc.

Hard light -  Create more shadow and add more volume and depth, this light could be used for horror films etc. 

Light behind you - illuminate the object.

Tonal Range - Bright parts are the highlights, if things are too bright then you loose information. You have to get the right balance of light, lower your exposure, details are in the highlight. 

Midtone - Exposure needs to be somewhere in the middle, effects the majority of the image. 

Shadows - If you want detail in the highlights you need to have a low exposure to make everything more darker. 

Exposure - We expose the lens to light, we allow light to go into the lens. We have control light with this. how much light we expose the lens too. 

Iris/Aberture-control how much light the sensor is controlled too.  

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